Why W Should Be Pronounced “Wee”
1 min readJun 12, 2023
When you sing the alphabet, you may notice that most letters end in the sound “ee.” Let’s standardize that, eh? No more “double-yew.”
- A: “aee”
- B: “bee”
- C: “see” ▶️ I vote we delete the letter “c” from the alphabet, but that’s a story for another time.
- D: “dee”
- E: “ee”
- F: “ef” ▶️ “fee”
- G: “gee” ▶️ “ghee”
- H: “aech” ▶️ “hee”
- I: “ah-yee”
- J: “jaee” ▶️ “jee”
- K: “kay” ▶️ “kee”
- L: “el” ▶️ “lee”
- M: “em” ▶️ “mee”
- N: “en” ▶️ “nee”
- O: “oh” ▶️ “oee” (which sounds like “oi”)
- P: “pee”
- Q: “keeoo” ▶️ How many letters do we need that make the same sound?? C and Q should both be destroyed in favor of K.
- R: “arr” ▶️ “ree”
- S: “ess” ▶️ “see” (which sounds like C, but luckily C is getting abolished)
- T: “tee”
- U: “yoo” ▶️ “ooee” or “uyee”
- V: “vee”
- W: “double-yoo” 🤮 ▶️ “wee”
- X: “ex” ▶️ “ksee”
- Y: “why” ▶️ “yee”
- Z: “zee”
So, we all agree, right? Yeah? Awesome. It is now law.